How To Create a Crackled Paint Finish on Furniture

How To Create a Crackled Paint Finish on Furniture

Authentically recreate that wonderful antique look of aged paint with our easy-to-use Crackle Medium!

In this tutorial company co-founder, Rosanne will show you her tips on how to get the best crackled paint finish.

Please note that this product is suitable for indoor projects only, so don't use it on projects that you'd like to place outdoors.

Click here to find a local retailer where you can purchase Crackle Medium, or order it from our online shop!

Spanish and French translations are available towards the bottom of this page.

Step 1) Pre-paint your piece

Simply start by applying a base coat of Country Chic Paint to your project. If you're unsure of how to prepare your surface before painting, click here to see our surface preparation tutorial. It's best to wait at least 12 hours before you move on to the next step.

If you would prefer the cracks in your finish to reveal the natural wood color underneath, you can skip the base coat and move straight on to step 2!

Step 2) Apply the Crackle Medium

Using a synthetic-bristle brush, apply an even coat of Crackle Medium making sure that you do not over-brush. Allow this coat to fully dry (~12 hours). Letting the Crackle Medium dry completely is critical as without sufficient dry times no cracking will occur.

Apply at room temperature and avoid using when the relative humidity is over 85%. Please note that this product is water-based and should therefore not be applied over top of oil-based paints or stains.

Step 3) Apply your top coat

Apply your top color of Country Chic Paint. If you chose to use a base coat of paint, make sure this coat is in a contrasting color. Do not over-brush. As the paint begins to dry, you'll see cracks start to appear in the finish.

Tips: To produce larger, more prominent cracks apply the top coat in a thicker layer. (Keep in mind that thicker coats of paint will increase dry times). For finer cracks, apply your top paint coat more thinly. For random and sporadic crackling, vary your brushstrokes and randomly brush the paint on in different directions.

You can use a blow dryer set at a moderate temperature to reduce the wait time between each step. If you over-brush your crackle or top coat, it can create either very fine cracks or no cracks at all, so just apply and then leave it alone.

The Result:

Here's how the finished product turned out. Isn't it fantastic? The possibilities are endless, so go get creative!

Step 4) Cleanup

To clean up, wash your brushes right away with warm, soapy water. Make sure you wipe down the rim of the jar with a paper towel before re-sealing it so it's easy to open next time.

Find these products at your local retailer

If you would like to try this technique for yourself, stop by our store locator and call your local retailer for availability. If you do not have a local retailer, you can also find Crackle Medium in our online shop. Did you enjoy our video tutorial? Make sure to Subscribe to our YouTube channel to get access to all our videos! We would love to hear what projects you're working on, so make sure to leave a comment or post a picture of your project to our Facebook page or Instagram (@countrychicpaint)!


Recréez authentiquement le formidable aspect antique de la peinture vieillie avec notre Médium de craquelure facile d’usage ! Commencez en appliquant tout simplement une couche de base de Country Chic Paint à votre projet et laissez-la sécher pendant 12 heures. Suivez en appliquant une couche uniforme de Médium de craquelure en assurant de ne pas trop brosser. Dès que le Médium de craquelure est complètement séché, finissez avec une couche de Country Chic Paint dans une couleur contrastante. N’oubliez pas qu’une mince couche créera de fines fissures, tandis qu’une couche plus épaisse créera des fissures plus larges. Ne brossez pas trop. Les fissures commenceront à apparaître alors que la peinture sèche. À noter : n’appliquez pas par-dessus de la peinture ou teinture à base l’huile. Uniquement pour les projets intérieurs. Écologique et non toxique. Appliquez quand la température est entre 10°C (50°F) et 30°C (86°F) et l’humidité relative est moins de 85 %. Les brosses peuvent être nettoyées avec de l’eau savonneuse tiède. Nettoyez le dessus de votre pot et scellez-le soigneusement après chaque usage. Fabriqué aux É.-U.


Recree de manera auténtica el maravilloso aspecto antiguo de la pintura envejecida con nuestro Craquelador de uso fácil. Simplemente aplique una capa base de pintura Country Chic Paint a su proyecto y déjela secar por 12 horas. Posteriormente aplique una capa uniforme de Craquelador, asegurándose de no pasar la brocha en exceso. Una vez que el Craquelador haya secado por completo, aplique una capa de pintura Country Chic Paint de un color contrastante como acabado. Tenga presente que una capa delgada produce resquebraduras finas, mientras que una capa más gruesa produce resquebraduras amplias. No aplicar la brocha en exceso. Las resquebraduras comenzarán a aparecer a medida que la pintura se seque. Nota: No aplicar sobre pinturas o tintes a base de aceite. Solo para proyectos de interior. Producto no tóxico y amigable con el medioambiente. Aplicar cuando la temperatura sea de entre 10 °C (50 °F) y 30 °C (86 °F) y la humedad relativa sea inferior a 85%. Las brochas pueden enjuagarse en agua caliente con jabón. Limpie la parte superior del envase y tape bien después de usar. Fabricado en EE. UU.
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